What is the significance of the title "House of Leaves"?

Mark Z. Danielewski’s unorthodox horror novel House of Leaves features an intentionally perplexing title that initially offers little illuminating context for readers. However, as the challenging and multilayered narrative unfolds, the title takes on profound resonance in multiple symbolic facets. Analyzing the significance of “House of Leaves” provides deeper insight into Danielewski’s thematic aims.

The Literal Interpretation of "House of Leaves" - The Manuscript

On a literal level, “House of Leaves” refers to the physical manuscript cobbled together by old man Zampano focused on the supernatural events within the house on Ash Tree Lane. The pages of analysis, anecdotes, footnotes etc literally become leaves collected into a book, housed within the covers. Danielewski slyly announces his heady intellectual premise within a common turn of phrase.

The Metaphorical Interpretation of "House of Leaves" - Endless Interpretation

More metaphorically, “House of Leaves” indicates the endless spiral of interpretation that readers become subject to once entering the convoluted, Byzantine narrative. Like the eternally mutable rooms of the house, the text sends readers down an unending rabbit hole of attempting to extract meaning from uncertainty. Danielewski implies generating meaning itself branches ever outward like leaves on a tree.

The Deceptive Simplicity of "House of Leaves" - Multitudes of Meaning

Ultimately the deceptively simple title “House of Leaves” belies the cosmic complexities Danielewski has constructed within the novel’s pages. It encapsulates multitudes - from the physical constructedness of the book itself to the metaphysical limitlessness of interpretive possibility it contains once opened. The title warns that stable meaning may never be found within the overwhelming tree of narratives.